The Lord is My Shepherd (DB, KS, RN, JLS, PL, PSJ)
This book contains all the sacred violin/piano music from the CD of the same name, edited and bowed by David Kim. Twenty-two selections, more than 120 pages of music. Includes both piano and violin scores. Music of Dan Barta, Kile Smith, Richard Nichols, Jeremy Strong, Peter Leibensperger, Timothy Shaw, and Paul Jones
Price: $45.00 |
Sacred Music for Cello (DB, KS, RN, JLS, PL, PSJ)
This book contains all the sacred cello/piano music from the CD of the same name, edited and bowed by Anne Martindale Williams, principal cellist
of The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Eighteen selections, 95 pages of music. Includes both piano and cello scores for the hymns, spirituals, and
favorite classical works on the CD. Music of Dan Barta, Kile Smith, Richard Nichols, Jeremy Strong, Peter Leibensperger, Timothy Shaw, and Paul Jones.
A must for every cellist's library!
Price: $45.00 |
O Praise Him! Alleluia! - Arrangements of sacred hymns for Instrument & Piano (PSJ)
The following are arranged for many different instruments. Purchase the set of accompaniments (three-hole punched, double
sided, for use in a 3-ring binder, C score) and the corresponding part (see numbered list below).
Part # 1. B-flat instrument (High) – Trumpet, Clarinet 2. C Instrument (High) – Flute, Oboe, Violin 3. C Instrument (Low) – Trombone, Cello/Bass, Bassoon 4. Viola (alto clef)
5. E-flat Alto Saxophone 6. French Horn (in F)
Note: French Horn scores have been transposed to different keys to better suit the instrument; therefore the accompaniment parts
for French Horn should be ordered separately/in place of the original accompaniment set. All the other instrumental parts can be played
with the original accompaniment.
Set of accompaniments includes all 11 arrangements listed below:
- General
All Creatures of Our God and King {Lasst uns erfreuen}
Be Thou My Vision {Slane}
In Heavenly Love Abiding {Nyland}
When Peace Like a River {Ville du Havre}
I Hear Thy Welcome Voice {Gwahoddiad}
For the Beauty of the Earth/This Is My Father's World {Dix/Terra Beata}
Children of the Heavenly Father {Tryggare kan ingen vara}
Jesus Is All the World to Me {Elizabeth}
- Christmas
Go Tell It On the Mountain {Go Tell It}
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly/Hark the Herald Angels Sing {W Zlobie Lezy/Mendelssohn}
Two Carols of the Christ Child {Greensleeves/Stille Nacht}
Price: $25.00 ($15.00 – accompaniment set;
$10.00 per instrumental part, includes all 11 pieces)
Order additional instrumental parts for $10.00 each.
Please specify Set A for the original accompaniment or Set B for the French Horn accompaniment.
I Surrender All- for solo violin, flute, oboe or cello and piano (ERL)
Combined with another devotional hymn, Savior, Thy Dying Love. Solo version of choral anthem.
Price: $5.00
It Was On that Night - for violin flute or cello solo and piano (ERL)
Solo version of choral anthem.
Price: $5.00
Nothing But the Blood of Jesus (JLS)
For solo instrument and piano. Medium
Price: $5.00 – includes score and your choice of part according
to instrument:
Part # 1. B-flat instrument (High) – Trumpet, Clarinet 2. C Instrument (High) – Flute, Oboe, Violin 3. C Instrument (Low) – Trombone, Cello/Bass, Bassoon 4. Viola (alto clef)
5. E-flat Alto Saxophone 6. French Horn (in F)
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross {Rockingham}
For violin, flute or oboe and piano.
Price: $12.00
Duo on 'Hyfrydol' (PSJ) (view music)
For Violin and Cello; or Flute/Oboe and Bassoon.
Price: $7.00 (includes two copies)
Amazing Grace- for violin, cello and piano (ERL)
Trio arrangement in gospel style.
Price: $5.00
Ar Hyd Y Nos/Steal Away (Traditional Welsh/Spiritual) (PSJ) (view music) For horn, cello, and piano. Score and parts.
Price: $5.00
Come to the Waters {Water of Life} - (String Orchestra) (PSJ)
(view music)
Price: $30.00
Fanfare, Fugue, and Hymn (based on the hymn tune {Heaven}) - (String Orchestra) (JLS)
Score and parts.
Price: $30.00
In Dulci Jubilo - (String Orchestra) (JLS)
(view music)
Price: $30.00
Jesus, Lover of My Soul - for violin, cello and piano (ERL)
The Welsh tune {ABERYSTWYTH} arranged as a trio from solo version.
Price: $5.00
Like a River Glorious, {Wye Valley} - (String Orchestra) (PSJ)
(view music)
Price: $30.00
Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus - for violin, cello and piano (ERL)
The Welsh tune {EBENEZER} arranged as a trio from choral anthem version.
Price: $5.00
Take My Life and Let It Be {Hendon} - (String Orchestra) (PSJ) (view music)
For string orchestra (4:30'). Score and parts.
Price: $30.00
What Wondrous Love Is This? {Wondrous Love} - (String Orchestra) (PSJ) (view music)
Price: $30.00
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