Paul Jones Music, 



Music for the Twenty-first Century Church

Dr. Jones has authored the book "Singing and Making Music" and the booklet "What Is Worship Music?", in addition to numerous articles for journals, magazines and newsletters in addition to chapters for books and reviews of recording/books/concerts.


What Is Worship Music? (Basics of the Faith Series, P&R, 2010)

Dr. Jones explores the concept that worship music's roles are praise, prayer, and proclamation in this short primer on music in worship. This is a quick, informative read and a book that is easy to give to others. Consider using it for a Sunday School class or other group in your church.

"A welcome addition to the series. Few authors are more qualified to write on the subject, since Paul Jones is not only a superb musician, but also a thoughtful scholar. The premise of the book is simple, yet profound: worship music should be music that is authorized by God, according to Scripture, for his greater glory. This is a first-rate guide for pastors, musicians, and worshiping congregations.” —William Edgar

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Singing and Making Music: Issues in Church Music Today (P&R, 2006)

• Criteria for Good Church Music • Luther and Bar Song
• King David’s Praise Team • What Happened to Hymns?
• Instruments in Worship • Should Church Musicians Be Paid?
• Sacred Music as Prayer • J. S. Bach and Musical Hermeneutics

These are some of the topics addressed in this book of 33 thought-provoking essays on church music. Dr. Paul Jones, former Music Director at Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, provides biblical reasoning and practical wisdom concerning the purpose and practice of church music.

"Theologically astute, musically learned, constructively provocative.” —J. Ligon Duncan III
“This book will help Christians to rethink worship—and to recover its authentic splendor.” —R. Albert Mohler Jr.
“The church in every generation needs to be reminded that true praise begins with God and his glory, and not man and his need. Paul Jones sounds this note loud and clear in what is a very helpful book.” —Alistair Begg

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Insights into Johann Sebastian Bach's Theology: Aspects of Lutheran Orthodoxy, Pietism and
     Mysticism in the Leipzig Cantatas, BWV 32 and 80.
(Indiana University, Doc. diss., 1999)

Hymns for a Modern Reformation, with James Montgomery Boice (Philadelphia: Tenth
     Presbyterian Church, 2000).

"Writing Hymns" in The Christian Imagination (revised and expanded), Leland Ryken ed., Shaw
     Books (Colorado Springs:  WaterBrook Press, 2002).

"Church Music in a Post-Modern World" in Reformation Today 190: Nov.-Dec., 2002

"A Case for Biblical Hymnody" in Give Praise to God:  Sola Scriptura et Soli Deo Gloria:  A
     Festschrift in Memory of James Montgomery Boice
.  P. (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 2003).

"A Short History of Music at Tenth" in Tenth Presbyterian Church: 175 of Thinking and Acting
Philip Graham Ryken, ed., ., (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 2004).

Regular articles on music in Modern Reformation and God's Word Today from 2001-2004.

Singing and Making Music: Issues in Church Music Today. (Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R, 2006).

The Lord Is My Shepherd: Sacred Music for Violin and Piano. (Philadelphia: Paul Jones Music,

Sacred Music for Cello and Piano. (Philadelphia: Paul Jones Music, 2009).

What Is Worship Music? Basics of the Faith series, (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 2010).

"Calvin and Music" in Calvin and Culture: Exploring a Worldview. David Hall and Marvin Padgett,
     eds., (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 2010).

Come to the Waters: 25 Sacred Art Songs and Hymn Arrangements for Solo Voice (High and
     Medium/Low editions).
(Philadelphia: Paul Jones Music, 2010).

See Dr. Jones' recommendations for additional resources available in print and on the web.

Cover of The Christian 

Imagination Cover of the Modern Reformation 

Hymnal Modern Reformation Magazine God's Word Today Daily Devotional

Copyright 2008 Paul Jones Music, Inc.
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