Paul Jones Music, Inc.Paul Jones Music, Inc
Recommended Reading
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Dawn, Marva.  Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down:   A Theology of Worship for the Turn-of-the-Century Culture, Grand Rapids:   Eerdmans, 1995.

__________.  A Royal “Waste” of Time:  The Splendor of Worshiping God and Being Church for the World, Grand Rapids:   Eerdmans, 1999.

Frame, John M.  Worship in Spirit and Truth, Phillipsburg, NJ:   P & R, 1996.

Hart, D. G. and John R. Muether.  With Reverence and Awe:  Returning to the Basics of Reformed Worship, Phillipsburg, NJ:   P & R, 2002.

Hustad, Donald P.  True Worship:   Reclaiming the Wonder & Majesty.  Wheaton:  Hope, 1998.

Johansson, Calvin M.  Discipling Music Ministry:  Twenty-first Century Directions, Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson Publishers, 1992.

MacArthur, John F.:   The Ultimate Priority.  Chicago:  Moody, 1983.

Moss, Charles K.  “The Musical Reforms of Martin Luther” -

Old, Hughes Oliphant.   Themes & Variations for a Christian Doxology.   Grand Rapids:   Eerdmans, 1992.

__________.   Leading in Prayer:  A Workbook for Worship.  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995.

Payton, Leonard R.:   Reforming Our Worship Music.  Wheaton::  Crossway, 1999.

Rayburn, Robert G.  O Come, Let Us Worship: Corporate Worship in the Evangelical Church, Seoul/NewYork:  Westminster Publishing House.   (available in photolithoprint form, and just reprinted).

Roff, Lawrence C.  Let Us Sing: Worshiping God with Our Music, Horsham, PA:  Great Commission Publications, 1991.

Schalk, Carl. F.  Luther on Music:  Paradigms of Praise.  St. Louis: Concordia, 1988.

Veith, G. E., Jr.  State of the Arts.  Wheaton:   Crossway, 1991.

Westermeyer, Paul.  Te Deum:  The Church and Music.  Minneapolis:   Augsburg Fortress, 1998.

Wilson-Dickson, Andrew.  The Story of Christian Music.  Minneapolis:   Fortress Press, 1996.


Church Music Websites

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The Choral Public Domain
A useful listing of choral works available in the public domain (non-copyrighted, free).
The Cyber
A listing of over 3,700 hymns from various denominations with information about their authors, composers, translators, etc… Hymns, Gospel Songs, Choruses can be heard and seen.
Church Music National
Church Music National Conference exists to provide biblically and musically sound resources for the church of Jesus Christ by promoting discernment and excellence in Christian worship.  Publishes a Journal, hosts One-Day Workshops and National Symposia.  Join!
Hymns for a Modern
Hymns of James Montgomery Boice and Paul S. Jones including hymns on the Reformation “solas” available in book form, CD, cassette, brass/percussion parts.
International Music
A new Internet company featuring music of numerous publishers on its website as downloads for print-on demand.  More publishers to be added.  Cutting edge.
Music of the
A conference produced by the Center for Christian Study, and co-sponsored by Image:  A Journal on Arts and Religion, Charlottesville, VA, held April 18-21, 2002.  Excellent sessions by Ken Myers, John Hodges, J.A.C. Redford and Jeremy Begbie are all available on cassette tape
The Hymn
The Christian Fellowship of Art Music
The Christian Performing Artists’
Reformation of the Arts and
Paul Jones Music,